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發表於 2020-12-2 17:11:36 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
The Indian magazine India Today has gone viral in the past two days. Itslatest cover story, headlined "China’s New Chick," has an illustration of themap of China looking like a chicken, which excludes Tibet and Taiwan, and a mapof Pakistan below, which looks like its chick. A subtitle to the headlinedeclares: "How China is buying out Pakistan with massive new investments and whyIndia needs to worry."


A country’s mainstream media usually reflects the level of its elite, butIndia Today puts the Indian elite in disgrace. It is said that there are twoIndias. One is folk India, which has one of highest rates of illiteracy in theworld. The other is elite India, a group of supposedly high standards.


Such hysterical geopolitical imagination is nothing new. What is new,however, is the erroneous exclusion of Tibet and Taiwan from Chinese territory.India Today is believed to be one of the most serious media outlets in thecountry, but the magazine presents to the world an image of a loser.


But India Today makes us realize that the country’s elite behave likeclods. They are shallow and arrogant as they have always placed themselves aboveordinary Indians.


China and India are currently locked in a border standoff. Some Indianelites hate China and want to carve away Tibet and Taiwan. But they know this isan impossibility, so they are reduced to drawing an illustration. It is moreludicrous when the magazine proudly proclaimed that the cover was selected asthe "The Cover of 美國黑金,the Day" by the Society of Publication Designers, NewYork.


India is not able to compete with China. Indian officials have toned downthe dispute recently, because they realize the People’s 高雄借錢, Liberation Army ispreparing for a military showdown which India will not be able to withstand.


If China and India compete for who can divide the other, India will beroundly defeated.


India had better withdraw its troops to its own territory before China usesup its patience.


India Today makes us realize the petty nationalistic ideology of India’spolicymakers. India may continue to live in an illusion, but China is bound toresume the order of its border.


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